CONDEMNED Reviewed on
The French site, Blended, recently posted a wonderful review of Condemned.
Head over to Blended for the full piece.
The Women-in-Prison Film: From Reform to Revolution
My study of the Women-in-Prison film genre (which coincided with the making of my short film, Condemned) is featured in the new issue of Bright Lights Film Journal.
The piece tracks the history of the genre from Cecil B. DeMille’s Manslaughter (1922) to Jonathan Demme’s Caged Heat (1974). It was previously published as part of the NoirCon 2012 Program (pictured below), and available online now for the first time!
The Women in Prison Film: From Reform to Revolution 1922-1974
The Night Editor: CONDEMNED Interview
Following the screening of Condemned at NoirCon earlier this month, Jake Hinkson and I talked about the film, Noir, Women-in-Prison pictures, and genre filmmaking in general, for Jake’s blog, The Night Editor.
Jake is the author of the fantastic Noir novel, Hell of Church Street, which should be your next stop after reading this piece.
CONDEMNED Screening in Studio City
Condemned will screen as part of the Dramatic Shorts series at Jumpcut Cafe in Studio City, CA, on Dec. 1 at 7:30. I’ll be in attendance.
For more info check out the event’s Facebook page.
CONDEMNED at NoirCon 2012
It’s official: Condemned will screen as part of the opening night party for NoirCon 2012 on November 8th, 7pm, at The Philadelphia Mausoleum of Contemporary Art. I will be in attendance.
NoirCon is a biennial conference celebrating Noir in all its forms. This years special honorees include authors Lawrence Block and Otto Penzier.
Check out the events official website as well as the full schedule for updates and registration to attend.
Charlie Megira and the Modern Dance Club
My brother, Alon Shai, directed the new video for Charlie Megira and the Modern Dance Club, “Elvis is not Dead”. It premiered today.
Check it out below, and be sure to also pick up Charlie’s album on vinyl or digitally from Guitars and Bongos Records.
The NoirCon Blog Features CONDEMNED
CONDEMNED is featured today on the official blog of NoirCon 2012 – a conference celebrating all things Noir that will take place in November 2012.
Keep posted for some more NoirCon related news coming soon.
More Lists: 2011 in DVD/BluRay on Films in Review
Films in Review just published my choices for best DVD and BluRay releases for 2011. With selections including Henri-Georges Clouzot, Aki Kaurismaki, Radley Metzger, Women-in-Prison, some Film Noirs, and Clara Bow!
Head over to FIR to check it out.
And a clip from my top pick:
Listmania: 11 Tunes for 2011
To mark the nearing end of the year, and celebrate the coming of 2012, I decided to jump on the list-making wagon and offer 11 tunes that moved, shook, and inspired me throughout 2011.
In no particular order:
Those Darlins – Mystic Mind (from Screws Get Loose)
My favorite track from my favorite album of the year.
CONDEMNED at Royal Flush Festival
Condemned will be featured at the upcoming Royal Flush Festival in Brooklyn. The screening is schedule for Oct. 16, 7:30pm, at the Knitting Factory.
I will not be able to attend, but would love to hear from anyone who did.
For more info check out The Royal Flush Festival.